The Plant Experiment - conclusion is Splenda is BAD!

I wanted to do a plant experiment based on sugars and what reaction they had with the plants. Me, mom, and dad were surprised at what we discovered. 

Plant Experiment
Life Science – Biology

(4)  Croton Plants

100 ML of water

1 TSP. of white sugar, brown sugar, Splenda, and water (control)
5% solution

                        White Sugar               Brown Sugar              Control           Splenda
Height            11.5 in                       12 in                           10.5 in           10 in

Color              green/yellow           g/y                              more yellow g/y

Texture          all felt, rubber-like

After the solutions were slowly poured in, some of the liquid came out of the bottom. WS and BS sucked the water back in. The Control remained pooled on the plate. Nothing came out of SP.


The Splenda plant has a white substance on top of the dirt. Could be mold. All soaked up the water except for the Control.


The Splenda plant ha more white mold on the dirt. Leaves feel dry. Losing color.
New sprouts in the WS.
Increase in gnats and small bugs in the Control. The bugs live in the soil. No wings.
After pouring the solution in WS sucked the water back in, the water stayed in BS. The rain went right through the Control. And SP soaked it in.


The leaves on the Splenda plant are brown and wilting.
All the other plants are thriving. The bugs don’t seem to be hurting the Control. The White Sugar plant has grown the most. Not significant, but a little.
I am stopping the experiment. I don’t want to kill the Splenda plant. I am going to start using plain water and see if that helps.


The Splenda plant is healthy, again. The white mold is gone and the leaves are turning green.

If Splenda can do that to a plant in a short period of time, what is it doing to people’s insides?


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