I Did It

Yesterday our friends Matthew and Doreen invited us to go to the movies. Mom asked me if I would want to go and I said “YES!” I haven’t been to the movies in six years. I have very sensitive hearing. I was feeling brave and I knew I could do it. Mom brought my ear phones just in case I got too loud. I was feeling very excited. When the previews came on I was still feeling good. Some parts did hurt my ears but I was focusing on not letting it bother me. Eating popcorn and drinking my slushy helped my mind stay busy.
I am feeling more confident. I went up on stage last week when my mom was speaking to others about the Autism Spectrum and she read my blog post “What Autism Means to Me”. When my mom was crying I cried inside myself. I just wanted to be brave.
It is scary to try new things but I know I can do it and so do my mom and dad. They are brave so I am brave.
The Lorax was an awesome movie and I’m happy I got to see it with my best friend.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE this Awesome Kid!!!!

  2. Great post!! You should be so proud of yourself! You're a wonderful writer and you faced your fear head on!'

  3. I love your blog post. You write really well and I want to read more. Who knows, maybe someday you will be a famous writer....

  4. Yea!!!! I know you can do it too my Dear Logan!! Keep on being brave... xo

  5. He is loving your comments:-) Thank you!

  6. What a GREAT post! My favorite one of the day! My son also has sensitive ears and he doesn't go to the movies a lot, but he's also starting to go once in a while now and finding that it's OK. (He covers his ears in the really loud parts.) We haven't seen "The Lorax" yet. Maybe I should take him?

  7. Such a great post! You should be proud of yourself:)
