When my son was little and continually ill I would ask God
to please give us break, enough was enough but then another wave of illness or hospitalization
would occur and the defeated emotions would take over. Spending a great deal of time in the children’s
hospital and with other parents was comforting; we gave each other support. As
Logan would interact with the other children on our floor they spoke to one
another as if they created their own special language.
Pre-homeschool life Logan attended a small private school,
picture Little House on the Prairie, the children all got along, played well,
embraced Logan’s quirks with open arms. However, there was one boy in particular
who wasn’t so caring, borderline bully, later I had found out from his
grandmother that he was bullied at the previous public school. That is why they
enrolled him at the private school. He was quite a bit taller than all the
other children so he was bullied for his height. Well, when he came to the
private school he felt a little too empowered and started to immolate his bully
The children were playing kickball and this young boy made a
derogatory comment to a little girl in their class. She was such a sweet girl
and cute as could be; she was born with only half of her left arm. Without even
thinking twice Logan stepped in a told that boy to not say such mean things to
his friend. The teacher heard what was going on and took immediate action. When
I arrived in the afternoon to pick Logan up the teacher told me about the
incident and how proud she was of Logan for defending the little girl; not too
many boys in 1st grade would do that and especially for a girl.
I asked Logan about it in the car and his reply was this “She
is my friend and I don’t like people picking on her because he said she was
weird, she’s not, and there is nothing wrong with her!” Logan was quite upset
about it. When the class made Christmas ornaments for the cities children’s
hospital some of the kids were uneasy, they didn’t know what to expect. We sang
carols in the hallway and when we finished Logan left the group and walked
right into this boy’s hospital room. At first I didn’t know if he could do that
and as I was going to get him his teacher whispered to me “Let him.” Logan
stood right next to his bed, out stretched his hand to reveal his ornament “I
made this for you, Merry Christmas.” The smile, the glow in this boy’s eyes it
was as Logan had just handed him gold. He responded with such happiness “Thank
you and Merry Christmas to you.”
Over the years I have been told by family, friends and
complete strangers that my son is going to change the world, he’s an old soul,
you can see his wisdom and innocence in his bright blue eyes. His empathy for
people is astounding; it’s unyielding. Logan clings closely to his sacred relationship
with God and Jesus. For him to be the age that he is at he still treads with
what is written in the Bible, what is right and what is wrong. When he was
extremely ill one time as an infant we saw this very large hand print on his
back. We disclosed this to our pastor and he replied “I believe you son was
touched by God.” At the time I didn’t know what that meant for Logan or if that
were true. Could it be mistaken identity like the Virgin Mary in a slice of bread?
Now I believe he was.
The trials and tribulations that my son has endured since
birth would have left many bitter and discontent; not Logan. If anything it has
infused more love, faith and forgiveness in his soul. No matter the severity of
the bullying he encountered at his brief stay at that public school he said to
me “I forgive them mommy for what they did to me, you need to forgive them too.”
I cupped his face in my hands and could see his soul in those eyes grinning at
me. A wave of peace came over me and I knew my son was exceptional but for him
to forgive them when it was so gut wrenching for me. I told him I forgave them
and then we prayed.
I used to think I was being punished or we were cursed or something when Logan was battling illness after illness but I see that it molded him in to such a phenomenal kid. He loves and accepts everyone even those who treated him poorly for being “different”. God blessed us with this faith filled child who exuberates joy and acceptance; we call him the “little kid whisperer” no matter where we are kids flock to him and they hug him and want to hold his hand, it is so adorable! Even though Logan has sensitivity to touch he never backs away, he reciprocates without hesitation.
Our pastor told us “His compassion is infectious; he will
spread it over the world when he grows up.” I believe he has already begun.

Awesome blog Andrea. You have described Logan to a tee. He has a lot of heart, soul and love.
ReplyDeleteThank you mama:-) I love your name "Logan's Nana" LOL!
ReplyDeleteEveryone that knows Logan can see that he truely has been touched by God! He is an amazing young man, and brings joy to all of the poeple in his life. We are so blessed that he is a part of our lives, we wouldn't have it any other way!
ReplyDeleteWow, it is wonderful to read about children like your son, they definitely are needed in our world today!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you:-) He's my daily inspiration <3
ReplyDeleteBeautiful. This brought tears to my eyes.
ReplyDeleteI think, maybe Andrea, you weren't cursed at all, on the contrary, you were wonderfully blessed. God never gives us more than we can handle with His help. Your son sounds like a true blessing.
Let the writing begin buddy. You will knock everyone's socks off.
ReplyDeleteLove ya. Grandpa Stache
I know he is a blessing indeed, a gift from God:-)
ReplyDeleteWe love you Grandpa Stache!