Keeping it real

My mom and I are writing a book about what I went through when I was little and when I was told I was on the autism spectrum. While we were working on it I was thinking about all the times that people have treated me differently because I am on the autism spectrum. Because I am not like them. I am not like their kids who are in lots of sports or have a hundred friends. Because I talk about the components of what creates galaxies. Because I talk about different kinds of fungi and how they could cure cancer.

I want to cure cancer for kids. I don't know why people talk about curing autism. I don't have a disease. I don't need a cure. God made me who I am, why would I want to cure that? Kids that are sick with cancer need a cure. That is who we should focus on.

Kids on the autism spectrum don't need a pill to cure it, we need love. We need empathy. We need you to know that we like who we are, why can't you?

My mom and dad never make me feel bad about my quirks. They love me, Logan. They don't want to cure me. They don't want me to feel weird around other people but if I do, they are not mad at me, they understand.

I want people to know that weird is awesome. It's great. It's fun.

It's OK to be weird.

I know when people don't like me right away. I can feel it. Sometimes it makes me sad but I know that God will bring friends to me who like me for all my weirdness.

I know sometimes people can't understand what I am saying. I can't help it. It's the roof of my mouth but I am going to get that fixed at the orthodontist.

Weird is awesome, so don't for get it!

I'm just keeping it real.

If you don't have anything nice or positive to say to this fabulous twelve year old, keep it to yourself. If you come at my kid, you have me to deal with. And trust me, you don't want that.